Jesus Answers




The privacy policy belowexplains in detail how we collect and use information about our users. We takeyour privacy very seriously. We won't rent, sell, or loan any information aboutyou. We only provide information in aggregate to our advertisers -- neverindividual information. You're safe with us. takes your trust - and your right to privacy - very seriously.The following privacy policy outlines for your review the type of information wegather - and how we use it - from members, registered users and visitors of www.JesusAnswers.comand related areas (email newsletters, Web hosting, and so on). gathers two types of information:
  1. Registration data, which you provide directly in order to receive optional access to certain services or site areas and which may or may not require both demographic information (name, email address, zip code, age, and so on) and preference information (username, password, desired newsletters, and so on),
  2. Usage information, which is automatically provided by each user's browser for each page requested on our site (commonly referred to as web site log data).

Registration Data

This data is analyzed and presented as appropriate tothird parties such as advertisers only in an aggregate form, primarily for thepurpose of supporting the free provision of content and services at JesusAnswers.comvia the most appropriate and relevant advertising messaging possible. Selectpartners who provide individualized services such as Fee Email Service or Free Web hostingService to users receive individual data as necessary toprovide their services and only when such data is provided directly by ourusers. and said partners may only disclose to other thirdparties certain aggregate information contained in users' registrationapplications. Neither nor partners will disclose any individualuser's name, address, e-mail address or telephone number without such user'sprior consent, except to the extent necessary or appropriate to comply withapplicable laws or in legal proceedings where such information is relevant. does not knowingly accept or use personal profile informationfrom children 12 years old or younger.

Usage (Log) Data

We gather and analyze users' current Internet Protocol (IP) addresses -- anaddress typically assigned to individual browsers by your Internet ServiceProvider (ISP) -- to help with a variety of site management issues, none ofwhich allow us to connect your IP address with your personal identity. Forexample, we use log data to:

  • diagnose problems with our server,
  • evaluate the sources of our user traffic (ie. where site visitors clicked from to reach us),
  • determine traffic patterns through our site (to build better internal links and improve your ability to find what you want),
  • understand and optimize our site for the broadest selection of browser types (again, to improve your experience).


Our site may use cookies to improve our generalrecognition of repeat visitors and to simplify your experience while you'revisiting us. Cookies are electronic "tags" we place on your browser tohelp our servers recognize you; while you're on our site, cookies help insurethings like:

  • you don't see the same ads repeatedly,
  • you can get customized (ie. selected by you) information without having to ask for it every visit,
  • you only have to log-in once - when it's even necessary - when you visit certain "members-only" areas,
  • and so on.

Occasionally, our advertisers and out partners will also place cookies on yourbrowser when you click on their ads from our site. This enables them to trackthe effectiveness of their ads. In most cases, cookies will only be placed whenthe ad is served to the page you're viewing. In no case will any advertiserreceive specific registration data for any user as a result of cookies or anyother agreement with without your prior explicit consent.(note: accepting a cookie does not constitute consent for providing personalregistration data). 

Finally, cookies provide us with no information about who you are or where yougo on the Internet when you are not at our site.

Opt-In acquires no personal or registration data about our usersexcept what you explicitly and voluntarily provide (ie. opt-in). We reserve theright to use this information specifically for the purposes related to yourregistration and generally for any necessary future communication regarding yourregistration or status.

Correcting and updating

User registration data can be corrected or updated by going to our respectivemembers services area for both the free email service and free web hostingservices.


To delete or deactivate an account, a user must send an email using the Feedbackform provided.



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