Events in the Life of Jesus |
Source |
The birth of Jesus Christ |
Luke 2:1-7 |
The worship of
the shepherds |
Luke 2:8-20 |
The dedication of
baby Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem |
Luke 2:21-38 |
The wise men from
the east |
Matthew 2:1-12 |
The fleeing to
Egypt |
Matthew 2:1-12 |
Child Jesus in
the temple |
Luke 2:41-50 |
The baptism of
Jesus |
Matthew 3:13-17 |
The temptation of
Jesus Christ |
Matthew 4:1-11 |
Jesus appoints
his 12 apostles |
Matthew 10:1-4 |
The transfiguration of Jesus |
Matthew 17:1-13 |
Peter says that Jesus is Christ |
Matthew 16:13-20 |
Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm
Sunday |
Matthew 21:1-11 |
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem |
Luke 19:41 |
Jesus eats the last supper with
his apostles |
John 13-14 |
Jesus prays in the Garden of
Gethsemane |
John 18:1-11 |
Jesus is arrested and prosecuted |
John 18:12-19:15 |
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ |
Mark 15:21-41 |
The resurrection of Jesus Christ |
Matthew 28:1-7 |
Jesus is seen after the
resurrection |
Luke 24:13-35 |
The ascension of Jesus Christ |
Luke 24:51 |