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Bible Stories : Jesus and the Last Supper

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Jesus Christ performed many wonderful miracles.  He healed the sick and raised the dead as he went about different towns and villages.  Many people believed in Him and followed Him.  For them, Jesus was a father and a teacher whom they admired and loved.  His followers called themselves His disciples because they were learning from Him.  Of these disciples, Jesus chose twelve men who were know as His apostles.  They were to go preach and teach the people the teachings of Jesus. 

The rulers and priests of Jerusalem became very jealous of Jesus as many people were following Him.  They wanted to get rid of Jesus.  Jesus tried to warn His apostles of this danger as they went to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast.  The apostles did not believe that their beloved teacher could be harmed.  John and Peter, two of the apostles, asked Jesus, “Teacher,where shall we have the Passover supper ?”.  Jesus answered, “Go to the city and you will see a man with a jar of water.  Follow him home.  We will have the Passover supper in the upper large room of that house”.   That Thursdayevening, Jesus and His apostles met for the Passover supper.  Jesus noticed that one of His apostles, Judas, sat silently as if he had something to hide.  Judas did indeed have a big secret.  He had collected money from the rulers of Jerusalem in order to lead them to Jesus.

At the door of the room, there was a bowl of water with a towel. Jesus took the bowl of water with the towel and washed His apostles’ feet and said to them, “If I, your Lord, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash each other’s feet”.  During the supper, Jesus said, “truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me to My enemies”,and He turned to Judas as He said this.  Judas understood that Jesus knew that he was the betrayer, so he got up and ran out of the room.

Jesus washing the feel of the apostle
  The Passover supper went on.  Jesus stood up and took a loaf of bread, gave thanks for it, broke it, and gave a piece to each one of His apostles.  As Jesus did this, He said, “Eat this, for this is My body which is broken for you”.  Then He took a cup of wine andhanded it to each of His apostles in turn while saying, “Drink this, for this is My blood which is shed for you and for many”.

The last supper : Jesus and his apostles picture
At the end of the supper, Jesus told His apostles, “I give to you a new commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another”. When the supper was over, they all stood up and sang a psalm and then they left the room.

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