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Bible Stories : The Birth of Jesus Christ

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The virgin Mary lived in the city of Nazareth.  One day when she was alone, Angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her, “Don’t be afraid.  God has chosen you.  You shall have a son, and you shall call Him Jesus.  He shall be great and shall be called the Son of God”.  Mary was very happy with the news given to her by the angel.
birth of Jesus Christ pictureJoseph the carpenter and his wife Mary went on a journey.  When they arrived at Bethlehem in the evening, Joseph wanted to find a comfortable place for his wife Mary who needed to rest and who was awaiting the birth of her promised Son.   The only place they found was a stable with camels, donkeys and sheep. It was a quite night. Soon after midnight, Jesus was born under the clear sky of Bethlehem. 
After His birth, the angels were singing in the sky, which was lit by the light of heaven.  Nearby there was a group of shepherds.  An angel appeared to them and announced to them the birth of Jesus Christ.  The angel said, “Do not be afraid.  Ibring you great news.  Today was born a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”, and the angel showed the shepherds where the newborn baby was.  The shepherds rushed to the stable to see the newborn baby.  After seeing Him, the shepherds left the stable.   Theypraised God and told everybody what they saw on this first Christmas morning. 

Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem to present baby Jesus to God in the Temple.  As they were there, they were approached by an old man, who was known to be always watching and praying for the coming of the Messiah.  The old man whose name was Simeon, took baby Jesus in his arms.  As he looked at the baby’s face he knew at once that his prayers were answered.  He said, “Oh Lord, my eyes have seen your salvation”. 

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A few months later, three old men came to Jerusalem with their servants.  The old men were asking, “Where is he who was born King of the Jews, for we have seen his star in the East and have come here to worship him “.  Herod the king of Judea was troubled by these events and brought the three wise men to his palace. He asked them about the star the have seen and about the King they were looking for.  The three wise men who spent many years studying the stars explained to King Herod about the star which they saw, and that it means the birthof the King of the Jews.

birth of Jesus Christ -  picture
King Herod ordered the three old men to go to Bethlehem and bring him baby Jesus, King of the Jews.  “Go to Bethlehem and bring me the child so that  Ican also worship him”.  King Herod’s intention was however not to worship but to kill baby Jesus.  The three men went to Bethlehem and found baby Jesus.  They kneeled before the child and offered gifts to him.  When they left Bethlehem, they did not go back to Jerusalem because god warned them in a dream about king Herod’s bad intention.  King Herod was very angryso he ordered that every baby boy in Bethlehem should be killed.  God spoke to Joseph in a dream that night and told him to take Mary and the child to Egypt where it is safe.  At dawn, Joseph and Mary along with baby Jesus left Bethlehem and went south towards Egypt.


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