There are seven things that Jesus said when He
was on the cross. These are referred to as the �seven words from the cross� ,
and were the last Verses on Good Friday.
First Word
Jesus spoke to His Father as He
was nailed to the cross.
�Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they are doing.� Luke 23:34
Second Word
Jesus spoke to the thief who was
being crucified next to Him.
Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in paradise. Luke 23:43
Third Word
Jesus spoke to His mother Mary and His disciple John who were standing
together nearby.
To His mother: Dear woman, Behold, your son! John 19:26
To His disciple: Behold, your mother! John 19:27
And from that day forward, John took Mary into his home as his own mother.
Fourth Word
About the ninth hour Jesus cried
out to His Father with a loud voice
�Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani ?� which means, �My God, My God, why hast thou
forsaken Me ?� Matthew 27:46
Fifth Word
Jesus, knowing that all things
had already been accomplished, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled,
exclaimed thirst.
�I am thirsty.� John 19:28
Sixth Word
The sixth word was a statement of
�It is finished.� John 19:30
Seventh Word
Jesus cried out to His Father
with a loud voice.
�Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit.� Luke 23:46
Having said this, Jesus breathed
His last, bowed His head and gave up His spirit. |