Miracles of Jesus

Jesus performed many miracles.  This is a list of the miracles of  Jesus with bible references.


Bible Reference


The water changed into wine

John 2:1-11

Healing of a noblemans son John 4:46-54
Healing of a sick man John 5:1-9
Healing of a man who was born blind John 9:1-41
Raising Lazarus John 11:1-44
The hundred and fifty three fish John 21:1-11
Walking on the sea John 6:19-21
Feeding five thousand hungry people John 6:5-13
Freeing a mans soul which was possessed by demons Luke 4:33-35
Healing of Simons mother in law Luke 4:38-39
The enormous catch of fish Luke 5:1-11
Healing of a leper Luke 5:12-13
Healing of a man who was paralyzed Luke 5:18-25
The restoration of the withered hand Luke 6:6-10
Healing of a centurions slave Luke 7:1-10
The raise of a widows son Luke 7:11-15
The storm Luke 8:22-25
Freeing Legion from the evil spirits Luke 8:27-35
Healing of Jairus daughter Luke 8:41-56
Healing of a woman with hemorrhage Luke 8:43-48
Freeing a boys soul which was seized by demons Luke 9:38-43
Healing a dumb demon possessed man Luke 11:14
Healing a crippled woman Luke 13:11-13
Healing a man with dropsy Luke 14:1-4
Healing ten lepers Luke 17:11-19
Healing of a blind man Luke 18:35-43