The Life of Jesus

Each of the four Gospels contains information about certain events in the life of Jesus Christ.  The four Gospels of Luke, Mark, Matthew and John together provide a complete and accurate record of the events in Jesus’ life.


Events in the Life of Jesus




The birth of Jesus Christ

Luke 2:1-7

The worship of the shepherds

Luke 2:8-20

The dedication of baby Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem

Luke 2:21-38

The wise men from the east

Matthew 2:1-12

The fleeing to Egypt

Matthew 2:1-12

Child Jesus in the temple

Luke 2:41-50

The baptism of Jesus  

Matthew 3:13-17

The temptation of Jesus Christ

Matthew 4:1-11

 Jesus  appoints his 12 apostles

Matthew 10:1-4

The transfiguration of Jesus

Matthew 17:1-13

Peter says that Jesus is Christ Matthew 16:13-20
Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday Matthew 21:1-11

Jesus weeps over Jerusalem

Luke 19:41
Jesus eats the last supper with his apostles John 13-14
Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane John 18:1-11
Jesus is arrested and prosecuted John 18:12-19:15
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ Mark 15:21-41
The resurrection of Jesus Christ Matthew 28:1-7
Jesus is seen after the resurrection Luke 24:13-35
The ascension of Jesus Christ Luke 24:51

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Send your Urgent Prayer Request Online to the holiest place in Christianity, the Stone of Anointing (Stone of Unction) in Jerusalem where Jesus' body was purified for burial after being removed from the cross. 


Prayer Request - Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Church of Holy Sepulchre

Urgent Prayer Request
Praying at the Stone of Anointing